Friday 31 January 2014

Anak pasangan Malaysia berlepas pulang ke tanah air

Aishah Azizul Raheem, 14 dan adik-adiknya Ammar, 12, Adam, 11, dan Arif, 7, berlepas pulang pada 6.30 pagi waktu tempatan (1.30 tengah hari waktu Malaysia) bersama-sama Timbalan Menteri Luar Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, seorang pegawai khas beliau serta seorang saudara keluarga itu.

Mereka dijangka tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) esok, kata Hamzah ketika dihubungi Bernama sebelum berlepas pulang.

Duta Malaysia ke Sweden Datuk Badruddin Ab Rahman mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada mereka di lapangan terbang di sini.

Semalam, anak-anak Azizul Raheem Awalludin dan Shalwati Norshal itu diserahkan kepada Kedutaan Malaysia di sini oleh pihak berkuasa Sweden dalam satu majlis di pejabat kedutaan.

Mereka kemudian diserah kepada seorang pegawai kedutaan yang merupakan keluarga angkat Islam Malaysia baharu mereka.

Selepas 42 hari terpisah daripada ibu bapa mereka, keempat-empat beradik itu juga dipertemukan dengan saudara mara mereka dari Malaysia pada majlis itu.

Sebelum ini, empat beradik itu ditempatkan bersama keluarga angkat bukan Islam di sini berikutan penahanan Azizul Raheem, pegawai Tourism Malaysia dan Shalwati, guru yang bercuti tanpa gaji, pada 18 Dis lepas.

Pihak pendakwaan juga memperoleh perintah mahkamah untuk melanjutkan tahanan reman terhadap Azizul Raheem selama 11 hari lagi iaitu sehingga 10 Feb ini bagi membantu siasatan dakwaan memukul tangan anak lelakinya.

Difahamkan, mahkamah sama akan bersidang hari ini bagi memutuskan penahanan reman terhadap Shalwati.

Tahanan reman Azizul dan Shalwati telah dilanjutkan tiga kali sejak mereka ditahan.

Tiada had penahanan reman di Sweden. – Bernama

'Tudung' singer accepts apology in the spirit of Chinese New Year

Singer Marinatasha Isnariah Mustapar who previously alleged that Property developer Castmet Sdn Bhd discriminated against her for wearing a 'tudung' says both parties have resolved the issue.

Saya panik lihat anak jiran berdarah - Penduduk

HULU LANGAT 31 Jan. - “Tiada perkataan dapat digambarkan apabila saya melihat Liyana (mangsa) dalam keadaan berlumuran darah terutama di bahagian kepala dan leher.

“Semasa kejadian, Liyana berjaya berlari keluar dari rumahnya untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan terserempak dengan cucu saya lalu membawanya ke dalam rumah kami".

Begitu ujar Mansor Isa, 74, ketika menceritakan detik panik semasa dia bertemu Liyana Norazman, 12, dalam keadaan berlumuran darah sebaik sahaja ditetak bapa remaja itu sendiri semalam.

Mansor berkata, ketika kejadian, dia sedang tidur namun terjaga mendengar bunyi bising cucunya berusia 12 tahun dan terkejut melihat Liyana di sisinya dalam keadaan lemah dan berlumuran darah.

Katanya, isterinya segera membantu Liyana membersihkan luka sebelum kanak-kanak itu menceritakan kejadian menimpanya dan dua adiknya.
“Sebaik sahaja mendapat tahu cerita daripada Liyana, saya panik dan bergegas ingin ke rumah mangsa tetapi dihalang Liyana kerana dia menyatakan bapanya masih memegang parang.

“Saya dinasihatkan cucu agar segera pergi mendapatkan pertolongan jiran yang lain selain menghubungi polis. Jiran-jiran kemudian membantu membawa mangsa ke hospital," katanya ketika ditemui di sini hari ini.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 4.15 petang itu, suspek, Norazman Mohammad, 44, bertindak di luar batas kemanusiaan apabila mengelar leher tiga anaknya sehingga mengakibatkan seorang daripada anak perempuan berusia tujuh tahun mati manakala dua lagi parah.

Difahamkan, suspek yang sebelum ini bekerja dalam bidang teknologi maklumat (IT) telah berhenti kerja selama dua tahun namun bekerja sendiri dalam bidang pendawaian elektrik.

Malah, dia tidak pernah menunjukkan sebarang tanda-tanda kemurungan atau sakit serta rajin mengikuti apa sahaja program melibatkan komuniti di sekitar itu.

Artikel Penuh:
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 

Bapa kelar anak direman sehingga Khamis

KUALA LUMPUR 31 Jan. - Bapa yang mengelar hingga mati anak perempuannya yang berusia tujuh tahun dan mencederakan dua lagi anak perempuannya di rumah mereka di Bandar Baru Bangi, Kajang semalam, ditahan reman seminggu bermula hari ini.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Abd. Rahim Jaafar ketika dihubungi berkata, suspek berusia 44 tahun itu ditahan reman sehingga Khamis ini bagi membantu siasatan.
“Keadaan dua anak perempuannya yang berusia 10 dan 12 tahun (kini dirawat di Hospital Kajang) yang mengalami kecederaan di tengkuk dan tangan dilaporkan stabil," katanya.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira 4.15 petang semalam, suspek yang menganggur sejak dua tahun lepas mengelar hingga mati anak perempuannya yang berusia tujuh tahun dan mencederakan dua lagi anak perempuannya di rumah mereka di Seksyen 4, Bandar Baru Bangi.
Susulan kejadian itu, polis menemui lelaki itu dalam keadaan murung, basah dan cedera di tebing sungai di belakang kawasan perumahan itu kira-kira 6 petang.

Artikel Penuh:

Suspek kelar anak seorang bapa yang baik - Jiran

HULU LANGAT 31 Jan. - "Dia seorang bapa yang baik malah menjadi contoh kepada jiran yang lain kerana tidak pernah sekali pun terlepas untuk membawa anak-anaknya solat berjemaah di surau".
Demikian ujar penduduk, Ahmad Shapawi Ismail, 51, yang juga jiran Norazman Mohammed, 44, suspek yang mengelar leher dan menetak tiga anaknya semalam.
Ahmad Shapawi berkata, selain dihormati kerana rajin ke surau, jirannya itu juga seorang yang rajin mendalami ilmu agama.
"Justeru, kami memang terkejut dengan kejadian (pembunuhan) itu kerana dia seorang yang amat disenangi semua orang dan sebelum kejadian, dia langsung tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan.
"Tambahan pula, setiap kali ada ceramah dan pengajian agama di surau, dia tidak pernah terlepas membawa anak-anaknya sekali," katanya ketika ditemui Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Berkongsi cerita tentang jirannya yang dikenali sejak sembilan tahun lalu, Ahmad Shapawi berkata, jirannya juga sering melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti yang dianjurkan komuniti di situ.
"Dia dan anak-anaknya sangat rapat, apa sahaja aktiviti yang dianjurkan di sini, pasti kesemua anaknya akan dibawa sekali.
"Kali terakhir saya bertemu dengan dia adalah pada Selasa lalu, ketika sedang mengajar anaknya memandu kereta dan dia juga sempat solat zuhur berjemaah di surau.
"Saya ada menegur dia ketika itu, jelas dia seperti selalu dan sebelum kejadian, dia langsung tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan," katanya lagi.
Sementara itu, Ahmad Shapawi turut memberitahu, jirannya itu ada belajar ilmu perubatan Islam kebelakangan ini tetapi menolak kemungkinan sekiranya ada melibatkan ajaran sesat.
"Dia sudah tidak bekerja dan isterinya ada memaklumkan sejak kebelakangan ini dia kelihatan agak tertekan dan tidak tahu puncanya," ujarnya.
Difahamkan anak sulung suspek berusia 17 tahun adalah bekas pelajar Sekolah Menengah Maahad Hamidiah, Sungai Ramal, Kajang dan mendapat tawaran menyambung pelajarannya di salah sebuah universiti tempatan tidak lama .

Thursday 30 January 2014

Rafizi: Maafkan kami, keputusan di tangan rakyat

Ahli parlimen Pandan, Saudara Rafizi Ramli memohon maaf bagi pihak Parti keadilan Rakyat(PKR) dan Pakatan Rakyat kerana melukakan hati rakyat khususnya di Kajang.Namun beliau menegaskan bahawa tindakan ini adalah sebagai tanggungjawab yang harus dilakukan oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Selangor demi kebaikkan semua.

Beliau menambah dengan nada yang sebak jika tindakan ini dianggap sebagai permainan politik PKR, maka tolak lah permainan kami ini nanti ketika pilihanraya kecil Kajang yang akan diadakan tidak lama lagi.

MB: Reformasi objektif utama, selainnya no 2

Menangguhkan makan tengah untuk wawancara demi wawancara, Khalid duduk di depan kamera dengan penampilan biasanya -- seluarnya senteng sebelah, rambut tidak bersikat.

Demi objektifnya untuk Selangor, semua itu tidak menjadi keutamaan bagi Khalid sebagai tokoh korporat yang kemudian terjun ke bidang politik.

"Objektif saya di Selangor untuk pembaharuan.

"Selebihnya, menyenangkan orang ramai demi mendapatkan sokongan, akan jadi keutamaan kedua," kata Khalid.

Anwar vows to explain Kajang seat decision

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim says he will meet his critics, including lawyer Ambiga Sreenevasan, Pakatan Rakyat partners and possibly Bersih, following his intention to contest for the Kajang state seat.

Anwar acknowledged the concerns are fair and feels he owe them and the people, an explanation.

Konsensus Nasional elak api perkauman

Anwar tanding Dun Kajang

Kajang: PAS tak kacau kerusi PKR

62 orang muflis setiap hari

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Top 10 Jet Li Moments

Top 10 Jackie Chan Moments

Top 10 Donnie Yen Moments

Top 10 Martial Arts Movies

Top 10 Bruce Lee Moments

Monster: The Kali Muscle Story

African American Hulk

Guinness World Records 2008 Top100

Anacondas Eating People - The Giant Man Eating Snake [Documentary Series]

Anacondas Eating People - The Giant Man Eating Snake [Documentary Series] Researchers trek into the jungles of Venezuela on the search for man-eating anacondas; and later a trip to the Florida Everglades to look for massive pythons -- where one was photographed swallowing a full grown alligator. Anacondas Eating People - The Giant Man Eating Snake [Documentary Series]

An anaconda is a large, non-venomous snake found in tropical South America. Although the name actually applies to a group of snakes, it is often used to refer only to one species in particular, the common or green anaconda, Eunectes murinus, which is one of the largest snakes in the world. Anacondas Eating People - The Giant Man Eating Snake [Documentary Series]

Any member of the genus Eunectes, a group of large, aquatic snakes found in South America

Eunectes murinus, the green anaconda, the largest species, is found east of the Andes in Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago.

Eunectes notaeus, the yellow anaconda, a small species, is found in eastern Bolivia, southern Brazil, Paraguay and northeastern Argentina.

Eunectes deschauenseei, the darkly-spotted anaconda, is a rare species found in northeastern Brazil and coastal French Guiana.

Eunectes beniensis, the Bolivian anaconda, the most recently defined species, is found in the Departments of Beni and Pando in Bolivia.

The giant anaconda is a mythical snake of enormous proportions said to be found in South America.

Any large snake that "constricts" its prey (see Constriction), if applied loosely, could be called anaconda. Anacondas Eating People - The Giant Man Eating Snake [Documentary Series]


There are various theories regarding the origin of the name Anaconda itself, sources suggest that the name Anaconda comes from the Tamil word anaikondran, which means "elephant killer". Another suggestion is that it represents Tamil word anaikkonda which means "having killed an elephant". Anacondas Eating People - The Giant Man Eating Snake [Documentary Series]

There are other theories that say that the word originated from the Sinhala henakandaya since the phonetic sounds are very similar. However, this name is used to refer the brown vine snake, Ahaetulla pulverulenta.

The word is of uncertain origin as no snake name like it is found in Sinhalese or Tamil. It is unclear how the name originated so far from the snake's native habitat; it is likely due to its vague similarity to the large Asian pythons. Anacondas Eating People - The Giant Man Eating Snake [Documentary Series]

The name was first used in the English language in 1768 by V. Jonasson in a colorful description of a large snake found in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), most likely a reticulated python, Python reticulatus. The account, which explains how the snake constricts and devours tigers, is full of popular misconceptions, but was much read at the time, and so gave rise to the myth of the anaconda of Ceylon

Monday 27 January 2014

Seorang kanak-kanak ditemui masih hidup bawah runtuhan di Syria

Pada mulanya penyelamat fikir dia telah meninggal dunia tetapi apabila ditarik keluar dia mula menangis dan mereka kemudian menyedari bahawa dia masih hidup dan gembira mula menjerit Allahu Akbar!

Khairy nafi petrol RON95 bukan lagi untuk semua

Menteri Belia dan Sukan Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar menafikan laporan yang memetik Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan berkata kerajaan bercadang menghadkan penjualan petrol RON95 kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah sahaja.

Menurut Khairy beliau telah berhubungan dengan Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansur yang menafikan laporan berkenaan.

Burma's Oil Rush in Magway

Pelbagai kaum sertai demo bantah kenaikkan harga di Pulau Pinang

Suspek buang bayi diburu

Setiap jual beli dikenakan cukai

Islam tidak benarkan cukai sewenang-wenangnya

Kangkung bukan isu perkauman

Friday 24 January 2014

Naga terpanjang di Malaysia

Maut berpelukan bersama anjing peliharaan

Rafael Nadal beats Roger Federer to face Stanislas Wawrinka in 2014 Australian Open Finals

Rafael Nadal beats Roger Federer to face Stanislas Wawrinka in 2014 Australian Open Finals

Rafael Nadal defeats Roger Federer 7-6 (7-4) 6-3 6-3 to reach Sunday's final of the Australian Open against Stanislas Wawrinka. 

So Rafael Nadal will bid to become the first man to win all four Grand Slams twice in the Open era when he plays Stansilas Wawrinka on Sunday. You 

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Texas Judge Orders Removal Of Pregnant Marlise Munoz Life Support - 25 Jan 2014

Texas Judge Orders Removal Of Pregnant Marlise Munoz Life Support - 25 Jan 2014

A Texas judge has ordered a hospital to remove the life support of a brain-dead woman being kept alive because she is pregnant.

Judge RH Wallace gave John Peter Smith Hospital until Monday evening to cease life-saving measures for Marlise Munoz.

Mrs Munoz, 33, was 14 weeks pregnant when she fell unconscious in November. It is believed she had a blood clot.

The hospital had argued that a state law prohibits denying life-saving treatment to pregnant patients.

'Legally dead'
Mrs Munoz's husband, Erick, filed suit against the hospital on 14 January, arguing that life-support efforts go against her wishes as a paramedic familiar with end-of-life issues.

"Marlise Munoz is legally dead, and to further conduct surgical procedures on a deceased body is nothing short of outrageous," he claimed in court documents.

The court filing also stipulated that, as Mrs Munoz is technically deceased, "she cannot possibly be a 'pregnant patient'" under Texas health and safety codes.

Mrs Munoz, 33, has remained unconscious since her husband discovered her on the kitchen floor on 26 November while pregnant with the couple's second child.

A blood clot has been listed as a possible cause.

Mr Munoz's lawyers subsequently revealed that Mrs Munoz's foetus - believed to be at 22 weeks gestation and to have been without oxygen for some time before medical intervention in November - was "distinctly abnormal", according to hospital medical records.

On Friday, Judge Wallace ruled the Fort Worth hospital must remove Mrs Munoz's life support by 17:00 local time (23:00 GMT) on Monday.

Subscibe For Breaking News


Maharaja Lawak Mega 2013 - Minggu 10 - Persembahan Sepahtu

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg Akhir

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan-Bible Bhg.10

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.9

Зачем нужен грузовик? - Why do you need a truck?

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.8

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.6

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.5

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.4

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.3

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.2

Polemik Kalimah Allah & Rampasan Bible-Bhg.1

DBKL mahu roboh gerai Melayu

PR lancar himpunan GST di seluruh negara

Sedarlah rakyat beban inflasi terus bertambah

Air: Pertahankan hak rakyat

Buka tudung: Saya rasa hina dan malu

Indian Minister's Wife 'Found Dead' - 18 January 2014

Indian Minister's Wife 'Found Dead' - Shashi Tharoor: Minister's Wife Minister's Wife - 18 January 2014

The wife of Indian minister Shashi Tharoor has been found dead, following reports that he was having an affair, Indian media have said.

Sunanda Pushkar is reported to have been discovered at a hotel in Delhi.

The couple became embroiled in controversy over a series of Twitter messages on Wednesday that appeared to reveal he was having an affair with a Pakistani journalist.

They later insisted they were happily married, blaming "unauthorised tweets".

Mr Tharoor married Ms Pushkar, a former Dubai-based businesswoman, in 2010.

A public row between the couple erupted on Wednesday when messages began to appear on Mr Tharoor's Twitter account suggesting he was having an affair with journalist Mehr Tahrar.

Ms Pushkar admitted publishing the tweets, but later denied it.

She was found dead in a five-star hotel in Delhi, according to police sources.

Reports said that her husband had informed the police of her death. It was unclear how she died.

Ms Tahrar, who denied having an affair with the minister, tweeted after she heard of Ms Pushkar's death: "I'm absolutely shocked.

"This is too awful for words. So tragic I don't know what to say. Rest in peace, Sunanda."

Mr Tharoor, a former UN diplomat, was forced to resign from his first ministerial position in 2010 amid controversy over his involvement in bidding for a cricket team.

Ms Pushkar had allegedly received a free stake in the Indian Premier League franchise he was bidding for.

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Suchitra Sen Iconic Indian Bengali Actress Dies - Suchitra Sen Dies - 17...

Suchitra Sen Iconic Indian Bengali Actress Dies - Suchitra Sen Dies - 17 January 2014

Veteran Indian actress Suchitra Sen has died in the eastern city of Calcutta, aged 82.

Sen had been admitted to a hospital in the city last month with a chest infection and her condition worsened on Thursday night, doctors said.

Known as the Greta Garbo of India for leading a reclusive life after she left films, Sen was an iconic star of regional Bengali cinema.

She also acted in a number of Bollywood films such as Devdas and Aandhi.

Sen teamed up with Bengali star Uttam Kumar to form a popular pair that delivered a series of hits in Bengali cinema for over two decades.

But she quit films in 1978 and led a hermit-like existence, reportedly refusing to meet people outside her own family. She had not been seen in public or photographed in the past three decades.

'Redefining stardom'
"As one half of one of Indian cinema's most popular and abiding screen pairs, Suchitra Sen redefined stardom in a way that few actors have done," film critic Saibal Chatterjee told.

"While she and Uttam Kumar reigned over Bengali films for over two decades, her Garbo-esque retreat from the public life after her retirement only strengthened her allure."

Mr Chatterjee said Sen "combined understated sensuality, feminine charm and emotive force and a no-nonsense gravitas to carve out a persona that has never been matched, let alone surpassed in Indian cinema".

Sen made her debut in 1953 with the hugely popular comedy Share Chuattar (Seventy-four-and-a-half), which was also her first film with Kumar.

Her performance as a nurse hired by a psychiatrist to develop personal relationships with male patients in the 1959 film Deep Jwele Jaai was hailed as one of her best.

The late Bollywood star Dev Anand, who acted with her, once described Sen as "the doe-eyed, dusky beauty and immensely popular star of Bengal".

Sen is survived by her actress daughter Moon Moon Sen. Her grand daughters, Riya and Raima Sen, are also actresses.

Subscibe For Breaking News


Earthquake Hits New Zealand's North Island - Caught On Camera - 20 Jan 2014

Earthquake Hits New Zealand's North Island - Caught On Camera - 20 January 2014

A strong earthquake shook the lower part of New Zealand's North Island on Monday, rattling buildings and knocking out power for thousands of people.

It also caused a giant, hanging sculpture of an eagle that evokes a scene from "The Hobbit" to fall to the ground in one of the country's main airports.

The 6.2-magnitude quake's epicenter was about 110 kilometers (70 miles) northeast of Wellington, the country's capital, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Initially estimated at magnitude 6.3, the earthquake hit at a depth of about 28 kilometers (17 miles), the agency said.

It struck the earthquake-prone country just before 4 p.m. and was followed by a series of weaker aftershocks.

There were no immediate reports of casualties. But the quake cut off electricity for about 5,600 people in the mainly rural region north of Wellington, said energy network operator Powerco.

All trains on the rail network in the lower part of the North Island were halted while inspectors checked tracks for damage, the state-owned transportation company KiwiRail said. Falling rocks were also reported on some roads.

Giant eagle brought down
The earthquake was felt at Wellington Airport, where it shook a sculpture of a great eagle loose from some of its suspending lines, bringing it sinking down to the floor of the main terminal building.

The bird is one of two huge eagle sculptures, installed in the terminal building last month, that draw their inspiration from "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," the second part of a trilogy of movies filmed in New Zealand.

One of the roughly one-ton birds has a model of the movie character Gandalf, a wizard, riding on its back. But it was the other eagle that was brought down to earth by the quake, said Greg Thomas, a spokesman for the airport.

The area around the eagles has been cordoned off, he said.

New Zealand's tourism industry has benefited from and sought to capitalize on the "Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit" movies, which were adapted from the J.R.R. Tolkien books and filmed against the backdrop of some of the country's striking landscapes.

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Vietnam To Execute 30 Over Drugs - 20 Jan 2014

Vietnam To Execute 30 Over Drugs - 20 Jan 2014

A court in Vietnam has sentenced 30 people to death over heroin smuggling in what is said to be the largest such trial ever held in the country.

The trial, over the smuggling of nearly two tonnes of heroin, began in Quang Ninh province in early January.

Dozens of others were also given prison sentences from two years to life.

This is the largest-ever drug trial in Vietnam in terms of the number of defendants and the death sentences given, says the BBC's Nga Pham.

A total of 89 defendants, including the 21 men and nine women who were sentenced to death, were arrested last year on various charges.

They belong to different drug rings accused of smuggling the heroin from Laos through Vietnam and China since 2006, state media report.

Presiding Judge Ngo Duc told AFP news agency that the trial was held at the prison because of the seriousness of the case.

This is only the first stage of a special investigation carried out by Quang Ninh police, and the extent of the crimes may be a lot larger, our correspondent reports from neighbouring Bangkok.

Punishments for drug-related crimes in Vietnam are relatively harsh, but this trial shows the immensity of drug trafficking problems in the country, our correspondent adds.

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Thailand Imposes State Of Emergency Over Unrest - 21 January 2014

Thailand Imposes State Of Emergency Over Unrest - 21 January 2014 

The Thai government has imposed a 60-day state of emergency in the capital, Bangkok, and the surrounding provinces, from Wednesday, to cope with unrest.

The decree gives the government wide-ranging powers to deal with disorder.

Anti-government protesters have been blocking parts of the capital to try to force PM Yingluck Shinawatra to resign.

They accuse the government of being run by exiled former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, the brother of the current prime minister.

Ms Shinawatra has refused to resign and has called an election on 2 February to pacify the protesters.

The state of emergency was announced after a cabinet meeting on Tuesday and comes after a spate of attacks with explosives and firearms on the anti-government protesters blockading central Bangkok for which the government and the protesters blame each other.

On Sunday, 28 people were injured when grenades were thrown at one of several protest sites set up at major road sections in the city.

"The cabinet decided to invoke the emergency decree to take care of the situation and to enforce the law," Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said.

The emergency decree gives the government power to censor the media, ban public gatherings and detain suspects without charge.

It also allows for curfews and for parts of Bangkok to be declared off-limits.

The Thai government has been contemplating a state of emergency for weeks, but in practice, it is not clear how many of those powers it will be able to use, says the BBC's Jonathan Head in Bangkok.

Emergency rule is supposed to be administered by the police and the army, but the police have until now been told to avoid any confrontation with the protesters, and military commanders have made it clear they do not want to be drawn into the increasingly bitter conflict between the government and its opponents, our correspondent says.

The decree also extends past the date of the general election next month.

The official election commission has already expressed doubt over whether conditions are peaceful enough for the vote to go ahead.

Imposing emergency rule casts yet more doubt over the poll - yet the government, which is now acting in a caretaker capacity, insists there is no legal alternative, our correspondent adds.

The government says that as the Thai parliament has already been dissolved, only a new parliament can choose the next administration.

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Stanislas Wawrinka Beats Novak Djokovic In Australian Open - 21 January ...

Stanislas Wawrinka Beats Novak Djokovic In Australian Open - 21 January 2014 

Stanislas Wawrinka ended the three-year reign of Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic with a stunning quarter-final victory.
The Swiss eighth seed won 2-6 6-4 6-2 3-6 9-7 to set up a semi-final against Tomas Berdych, and gain revenge for an epic five-set defeat by Djokovic in the fourth round last year.
It was the first loss for Djokovic under the guidance of new coach Boris Becker, and brings to an end a winning streak of 28 matches on tour - and 25 matches over three years in Melbourne.
"He's an amazing champion, he never gives up. I'm really, really happy," said 28-year-old Wawrinka.

"I was really focused point after point. I had to stay aggressive, not to give up. I was tired, I was cramping a bit, I was nervous too. But now I'm going to have an ice bath for a very long time."
A 15th consecutive Grand Slam semi-final had looked there for the taking when the Serb rolled through the first set thanks to some loose errors from Wawrinka in game six, but a moment of brilliance turned the match.
Wawrinka won a breathtaking rally with a flowing backhand down the line to break at 3-3 on his way to taking the second set, and the winners kept coming.
Djokovic, 26, threw a few frustrated looks towards Becker in the stands as Wawrinka powered through the third set to take a grip on the match, but finishing the job remained another matter entirely.

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David Beckham To Appear In Only Fools and Horses - 21 January 2014

David Beckham To Appear In Only Fools and Horses - 21 January 2014

David Beckham has joined Sir David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst for an Only Fools And Horses Sport Relief sketch that reunites Del Boy and Rodney for the first time in over a decade.

As part of BBC One's Sport Relief coverage on 21 March, the sketch will see Beckham head to Peckham to join the duo in a greasy spoon cafe.

Sir David and Lyndhurst last played the wheeler-dealing Trotter brothers in a Christmas special in 2003.

Sport Relief runs between 21-23 March.

Beckham has taken part in several sketches for the charity over the years, including cuddling up in bed and sharing a bath with actor James Corden in 2012.

The brief return of Only Fools and Horses has been eagerly awaited by fans of the show, which ran from 1981.

It was regularly voted Britain's best sitcom and the 1996 Christmas special Time On Our Hands, in which Del Boy came good on his ambition to turn the Peckham brothers into millionaires, was watched by more than 24 million people.

Olympic Park
This year's Sport Relief television coverage will come live from the Olympic Park with presenters including Gary Lineker, Gaby Logan, Claudia Winkleman, Jack Whitehall and Clare Balding.

The evening will also feature a Strictly Come Dancing special, with four Paralympians and their professional dance partners taking on a group dance challenge in the hope of taking home a Sport Relief glitter ball trophy.

Celebrity fundraisers for 2014 include Davina McCall, who will attempt to get herself from London to Edinburgh in a week - by cycling, running and swimming Windermere.

Little Mix are recording this year's Sport Relief single, a cover of Cameo's Word Up, and have just returned from a trip to Liberia with the charity.

"It was shocking to see how tough people's lives are in the slums there," said the band's Leigh-Anne Pinnock.

"Knowing how the money raised really does help change lives was inspiring and that's why I hope everyone gets involved, signs up to the Games and does their bit this year."

The public will be able to take part in a number of events over the weekend, choosing to run, swim or cycle at the Sport Relief Games.

Olympic cycling champion Victoria Pendleton, singer Michael Ball and actress Samantha Bond are among the celebrities who have been competing in The Great Sport Relief Bake Off this month.

A new show for this year, Sport Relief's Top Dog, will launch on BBC Two in February, featuring celebrity team captains and members of the public competing to see their pet crowned the winner.

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US East Coast Hit With Heavy Snow Bitter Cold - 22 January 2014

US East Coast Hit With Heavy Snow Nnd Bitter Cold - 22 January 2014

The US east coast has been hit by the second major winter storm of the year, with up to 12in (30cm) of snow, blowing wind and bitter cold forecast.

Even before the first flakes had fallen, US government offices in Washington DC and schools in several states were closed pre-emptively.

As snow fell along major motorways along the US east coast authorities warned of hazardous road conditions.

And more than 3,000 flights have already been cancelled in the US.

Another 800 flights were pre-emptively cancelled for Wednesday and Amtrak began to cut back train services on Tuesday afternoon along its popular north-eastern route.

'Dangerously cold'
The storm comes two weeks after a weather pattern known as the polar vortex brought heavy snow and record low temperatures to the eastern half of the US.

Perilous conditions stretched for 1,000 miles (1,600km) from Kentucky to Massachusetts on Tuesday, slowing traffic and sparking winter storm warnings.

Washington DC is expected to see its heaviest snow fall in three years. The White House cancelled an afternoon press briefing and a meeting of President Barack Obama's commission on electoral administration.

But the US Supreme Court remained open to hear arguments.

Temperatures across the eastern US are expected to be 10 to 25 degrees colder than average on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the US National Weather Service.

"Behind the storm there will be very cold temperatures," Chris Vaccaro, a spokesman for the weather service told the BBC, with temperatures around -18C (0F) in some areas.

"It will be dangerously cold when you factor in the wind," he added. Wind chills are expected to make it feel as cold as -26C.

Gridlock was reported on New York City highways, with commuters reporting drive times of quadruple their normal duration.

"I just want to get to the Bronx," driver Peter Neuwens told the Associated Press news agency. "It's a big place. Why can't I get there?"

The weather has also affected New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's second inauguration. Organisers have cancelled the party scheduled for Tuesday night on Ellis Island in New York Harbor.

Both chambers of Delaware's General Assembly cancelled sessions on Tuesday as the snowstorm approached and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick postponed his annual State of the State address.

Transportation officials in Pennsylvania reduced speeds on motorways and other major roads. A spokeswoman told the Associated Press news agency the state had already spent more than half of its $189m (£115m) winter weather budget.

The storm has already been blamed for one death on Tuesday after a car in Maryland slid into the path of a lorry. The driver was thrown from the vehicle.

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Isu pindah bos PKNS: Pemuda PKR anggap tindakan MB tak wajar

Isu pemecatan Timbalan Presiden PKR Azmin Ali sebagai ahli lembaga pengarah Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS).

Pemuda PKR menyelar tindakan Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim yang mengarahkan Pengurus Besar PKNS Datuk Othman Omar dan Setiausaha Eksekutif Norita Mohd Sidek dipindahkan serta merta ke pejabat setiausaha kerajaan negeri (SUK).

Ketuanya Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin keputusan berkenaan tidak wajar kerana kedua-dua pegawai kanan itu sebenarnya tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk menggugurkan Azmin.

Larang Anwar ke Jepun tamparan kepada rakyat, kata PKR

Tindakan kerajaan Jepun menghantar pulang Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebaik beliau menjejakkan kaki diLapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Narita pada 19 Januari lalu adalah bermotifkan politik, dakwa Ketua Pemuda PKR Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin.

Azmi Sharom: We let this happen to Malaysia

Law professor Azmi Sharom says we are all to be blamed for the current deteriorating state of the nation, where even 'kangkung' could be considered offensive by certain groups.

SPAD nafi tambang teksi naik

Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD) menafikan tambang teksi di ibu negara telah dinaikkan.

Sebaliknya menurut pengerusinya Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar Jaafar apa yang berlaku adalah pelarasan bagi membantu meringankan bebanan pemandu dan pengusaha teksi akibat kenaikan harga bahan api, tahun lalu.

Parody paints PERKASA as kangkung defender

PERKASA kena sindir sebagai 'pembela kangkung'

Kenyataan kumpulan pendesak Melayu PERKASA yang memberi amaran bahawa tindakan warga maya yang menjadikan kenyataan 'kangkung' Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebagai bahan lawak boleh mencetuskan tragedi berdarah 13 Mei kini menerima nasib yang sama.

Dalam video yang dimuatnaik ke Youtube oleh kumpulan lawak popteevee pada 15 Januari lalu, nama PERKASA digunakan untuk singkatan "Persatuan Kangkung 1Malaysia".

Tambang bas sekolah naik kerana ibu bapa sanggup bayar

Kenaikan tambang bas sekolah berpunca daripada kesanggupan ibu bapa membayar kadar baru berkenaan, kata Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD).

Sambil menafikan kenaikan yang berlaku adalah kerana kedegilan pengusaha bas sekolah yang tetap ingin menaikkan kadar tambang, Pengerusi SPAD Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar Jaafar berkata pihaknya tidak dapat bertindak kerana tiada aduan yang diterima.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Madonna Apologises For Using Racial Slur On Instagram - 19 Jan 2014

Singer Madonna in September 1990 at the AIDS P...
Singer Madonna in September 1990 at the AIDS Project Los Angeles benefit concert (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Madonna Apologises For Using Racial Slur On Instagram - 19 Jan 2014

Pop star Madonna has apologised for using a racial slur to refer to her son on an Instagram post.

singer uploaded a snapshot of 13-year-old Rocco Ritchie boxing on
Friday night, with the offensive epithet used in a hashtag accompanying
the photo.

"I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the 'n-word'," she said in a statement issued on Saturday.

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It's a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression"

"It was not meant as a racial slur. I am not a racist. There's no way to defend the use of the word."

comment was swiftly deleted from her Instagram account after some of
her 1.1 million followers berated her for using the hashtag "#disnigga"

later re-posted the same photo on Instagram, with a defiant (and
largely unprintable) new caption that began: "Ok, let me start this

On Saturday afternoon however, Madonna deleted the post
entirely, and instead released a statement through her publicist, saying
"forgive me".

"It was all about intention," she continued. "It was used as a term of endearment toward my son who is white.

"I appreciate that it's a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression."

Rocco, Madonna has three other children, including Lourdes, David and
Mercy. Her two youngest were both adopted from the African nation of

The star came under fire earlier this month for posting a
separate picture of Rocco on New Year's Eve, in which he and his
friends posed with bottles of alcohol.

Madonna responded: "No one was drinking, we were just having fun!

"Calm down and get a sense of humour! Don't start the year off with judgement!"

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